Ive have a great couple days with my friends. We decided to go out to dinner on Monday. Since all three of us are Vegan one of the girls found a restraunt that had not only food for those who ate meat but also accomidated Vegeterians and Vegans. We were suprised at the selection of food that was avaliable and how nice the place was. After each one of us kept debating over what we wanted we ordered since everything sounded wonderful, we got caught up with each other's busy lives. I ended up getting the Tamale Platter with Black Bean Chili on top. M got a Greek Salad with tofu crumbles to replace the cheese. K got a sample platter with various items like a spinach pie and hummus with pita bread. We all loved the food are were trying each other's meals. At the end of the meal we each got a Chocolate Milkshake for dessert. The milkshake was made out of Ricemilk and was more than one person could drink.
Tommy's Website: http://www.tommyscoventry.com/index2.php?section=WhatsOnMenu&page=TheMenu&menu=LunchDinner&menusection=Salads

On Saturday morning my mom, sister, and niece will be heading to NYC. I am more than excited not see one of the most magnificent cities but to see friends that Ive made since Ive been diagnosed with RSD. There are many aspects to having RSD that people look at as negative, but the people you meet is one of the positive things to this syndrome. Without the friends Ive made who have RSD and the support they give I probably would have fallen into a depression. My mom and dad as well as friends have helped so much but having someone who can understand means a lot.
My sister will be running the 5 mile course during the Achilles Hope and Possibility Walk. I am really proud of her as she has been training for a couple months now. My mom, niece and I will be walking the 2 mile course for those who have RSD. The last time we were in NYC I walk the first mile and then had to be pushed in a wheelchair the last mile. I am so happy Ive came so far in the last 3 years that I will be able to do this unassisted. It helps remind me that Im fighting this RSD everytime I get out of bed or everytime I walk my dog. I refuse to let this take a hold of my life and participate in things like this to help others who have RSD. Hopefully one day there will be a cure found from the money raised from an event like this!
Achilles Hope and Possibility Website: http://www.nyrr.org/races/2010/r0627x00.asp
RSDSA Achilles Hope and Possibility: http://www.nyrr.org/races/2010/r0627x00.asp
My Firstgiving Page: http://www.firstgiving.com/erikkafightingagainstrsd
** All donations are tax deductable
Healing Thoughts!!
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