Hello Wellness Lovers!
This week has been full of Delicious food and the memories that come with it, visiting a friend from school on the way to see my Grandma, and two Graduation Parties to end it all.
On Tuesday my mom and I went down to visit my Grandma. She is currently in a rehab facility since she just got out of the hospital. Once of my friends from school is near to where my Grandma is at. We stoped at her house and visited with her and her mom for a good hour to two hours. She lives in a rural area, more than I do. They have lots of land and many of their neighbors have farm animals. At their house they had chickens, which I loved. I don't want any but loved to watch them walk around. It also confirmed why I am vegan and why I cant eat them and their eggs, it definitely wouldn't seem right now. We then went and visited with my Grandma for a good couple hours. My Aunt (her daughter) told me her son was having a hard time eating dairy and wheat products so I let her know about the dairy alternatives to cheese (daiya) and other things that might help. It just seems more and more people are having a harder time digesting meat and dairy products.
After the visit with my Grandma my mom and I went to Whole Foods to pick some things up that we cant get at stores near us. At the store I started craving a dish that Ive had so many times when I was younger. My friends mom and her mom (friends Grandma) would make this dish and I would eat over there frequently. Recently my friends Grandmother passed away and I too thought of her as my Grandma so this dish reminded me of her. We bought some gluten free noodles for the dish and other goodies. To make the "Goolosh" we added homemade canned tomatoes, the pasta, green bell pepper, a little bit of onion, and black beans. It tasted just like Grandma Judy's and was absolutely wonderful.
Sweet Potato & Beet Chips, Gluten Free Pasta, Earth Balance Butter,
So Delicious Yogurt, and Strawberries...yummy!
"Goolosh" - Pasta with Noodles and Tomato Sauce with Black Beans
Yesterday was the Graduation of the High School I am an Alumni of. It seems so weird Ive already been out for two years already. On that note we had two Graduation parties that we got invited to. At the first party I filled up on some delicious fruit. Here in the north our fruit season isn't until mid June or so. It was nice to be able to have a fruit salad and taste all of those flavors. At the second party one of my friends also happens to be vegan so I was able to eat some of the food that her mom makes for her. I had also brought me some hummus so that I could could have a dip for fresh vegetables. At least I know what to do for the next Graduation Party. I have one more and then one is being thrown at my house for my cousin which will make it even easier.
At one of the Graduation Parties. I have been friends with these
girls for years. The girl I am sitting next to is also vegan.
Sending Healing Thoughts!