The average women (or man) struggles with self-confidence thanks to their peers and not to mention some of their elders. When you throw a chronic condition into the mix it makes the situation a whole lot messier.
As has been stated in my Nursing Anatomy Class; when your treating the body of the patient your dealing with what is also going on mentally. As anyone with RSD or any chronic condition will admit, the procedures are not too glamorous. The side effects of the medicine cause us to gain weight or lose too much weight. This affects us mentally and the fact that our peers are "healthy" affects us too.
Throughout my journey with RSD Ive always believed that I need to be stronger than the RSD. Thanks to me getting educated in nutrition I feel a renewed confidence that I am stronger than this syndrome I have. I am in pain but I know that I can get up each morning and fight with the medicines I take, foods I eat, and how active my body stays. Many people believe that they are being punished, but I honestly believe that I was given this for a reason - to help others who simply need the help.