Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Those Who Motivate Us
When I was twelve I never realized how much my life was going to change once I sprained my left wrist. My life has been blessed from the people who have been put in it, the challenges I have had to face, and the accomplishments I have made. I say that I'm blessed from my challenges because they have helped me learn about who I am this also includes getting RSD. If someone where to ask me if I could take it all back, I honestly don't know if I would.
About six months after getting RSD my Uncle got very sick and passed away. From watching the nurses taking care of him in the hospital came my desire to become a nurse. From my continuous treatments and visits to my PM's office my desire to become a nurse has grown simply from being with my Uncle the last weeks of his life. My Uncle was always supportive of me and stepped in as a substitute Grandfather he had passed away before I was born. It saddens me to know he isn't here to see me in college. I have two motivations; my Uncle and my RSD, both have helped me realize how blessed I am to be in college and be succeeding.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Rice, Beans, and Almonds
Made on Sunday
brought the rest back to school
Sorry the pictures are dark, I took them with my phone.
Until next time!
Sending Healing Thoughts to all!
Friday, April 23, 2010
How Food Can Make a Difference
When I was 17, my RSD spread into my right arm from me slamming my pointer finger on my right hand in my car door. I ended up getting sent to a Pediatric Rehabilitation Hospital with a Tunneled Epidural Catheter in my spine (like a pregnant woman's epidural but more complicated and somewhat portable). My roommate was another girl who had RSD, she and I became quick friends. She was wheelchair bound, couldn't feel her legs, and highly allergic to several medications that she was put on to treat her RSD. Bethany had went into remission but her RSD came back when she stepped on a nail and had to get a tetanus shot. I am telling you all this because she is the one that inspired me to follow this diet.
Bethany and I both developed an infection in our spines from the TECS at the same time. She and I ended up being "paralyzed" for a good period in time. My symptoms wore off with in about two weeks, Bethany's persisted. After a couple months of no Dr's Bethany decided to go 100% raw Vegan and after a while on this diet she started getting movement in her legs. Today she is pain free and walking all over the place.
When I heard of Bethany's success I couldn't believe that food could have such a huge impact. That same year I stoped eating beef to give it a try. Within a month of the beef being out of my system my pain levels went down, I was hooked and was a believer. It took me a while though to cut other things out of my diet though. After a 1 1/2 yrs of not eating beef I gave up all meat and shortly after became vegan. I didn't see the reason to stop eating meat but to still consume dairy products. I also believe that I am lactose intolerant which doesn't mean much being vegan.
At this point in time on my RSD journey I don't believe I will be completely pain free. I do believe though that my life style choice is going to help with my RSD and to help prevent other health conditions in the long run. Its taken a little effort on my part on planning meals, reading food labels, and explaining my life style but I'm loving every minute of it.

Right now I am at how trying to recuperate from several long weeks at school. I have one week left before finals and then I am officially done! I have three tests next week and three finals so I may not be on much this weekend or before finals. After the stress is relieved I do want to post about my theory on how I think RSD can be developed even before we are born.
Until next time!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Information Overload
I am absolutely exhausted and don't know how I am upright at the moment. I have so much to do in such little time. I have finals in two weeks, 2 comprehensive exams, 1 not. Before finals I have a lab practical and 2 tests scheduled.
Since my body is pretty run down I have been trying to fill it with healing food and foods that will help aid me especially since finals is coming up and no one is a fan of finals. I have started using a hemp protein powder and mixing it with almond milk and a banana. It is absolutely delicious, according to one of my friends its "disgusting" but its actually good and I know its helping my body heal itself from the wear and tear I put on it.
Even though I throughly enjoy school I am looking forward to summer (im taking a summer class). Im looking forward to going to Farmer's Markets and getting truely fresh vegetables and spending time with family and friends outside. I am also looking forward to forgeting about days where I feel like this.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Who Are You?
We tend to let society define who we are. A lot of people if asked to define themselves usually define themselves by their profession; teacher, mom, college student, ect. People dont realize that this is letting society define them and thats not exactly 100% a bad thing. We do need to find who we really are.
The only way to find who we really are is to find ourselves in God. Building a relationship with God is the way each one of us will be able to find our real selves. Having a relationship with God has helped me with my journey with RSD. God has shown me that I am stronger than I thought I thought I was. He has also given me a desier to help others who also have chronic pain by becoming a Nurse and then hopefully a Nurse Practitioner.
Today was a beautiful day and I was able to spend a great amount of time outside with some great friends. Friends also help define who we are since we spend so much time with time. My good friend Rebecca and I made a door sign for my other friend Mike since it was his Birthday. Rebecca and I had a great time collecting the supplies from Campus Activities and making the sign itself. We also had 6 balloons which Rebecca blew up (I have bad lungs) and we hung them all over Mike's door along with the sign. I got a call and he was very appreciative of it. :-)
Sending Healing thoughts to all!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Live, Lauph, Love

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Warm Weather is Here

Monday, April 5, 2010
Amazing Life
On Saturday my dad and I spent some time together. Him and I planted around 500 onion sets. The quote from me to him was "Its weird I kind of like getting dirty". Later on Saturday my mom, Aunt, and I went to Olive Garden. We shared a nice meal and thankfully they offer great vegetarian meals that can be easily made vegan. My mom and I then had to run into our local Walmart to get some items for our Easter Dinner and for my vegan granola bars. When we came out it had dropped 16 degrees within 15 minutes a change that I had predicted thanks to my arms hurting like crazy at Olive Garden.
For Resurrection Sunday mom and I got up early for Church. I woke up a bit earlier like I usually do to search and open my Easter Basket. Many of the treats I cant eat so I simply left them at home. My parents did get me a air popping popcorn maker since most popcorn have milk in them. After Church my siblings came over to enjoy a meal and each other's company. I made myself a vegan chili and sweet potato. My mom had also made several of the items so that I would be able to eat them.
I hope you are all doing well and had a great Easter as well.
Firstgiving Website:
Sending Healing Thoughts!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Vegans are Limited? I think Not!
I made a trip to my local Giant Eagle today to get some food for the weekend and for Easter. Last night I decided to make a Black Bean Chili over Sweet Potatoes for my Easter meal, this already has my mouth watering. I discovered that our Giant Eagle or Giant Eagle in general is getting more vegan friendly. I am ecstatic about that and just wish that my school cafeteria would put the effort toward getting vegan products. They had a boca burger for maybe a week and the staff didn't know what they were or how to cook it. When I asked for it they were frozen and like I said, they didn't know how to cook them.
At Giant Eagle I found Vegan lunch meat, Vegan Cheese, and Dairy free ice cream. They still have the Morning Star Products and it looks like they are getting more organic and dairy free products on their shelves. I am very thankful since Whole foods is a bit expensive even though I do like their products.
I am getting my hair done a little later today. My mom and I are then headed to the mall so that I can get the knot out of my neck. I'm excited that the weather is beautiful today and I got to enjoy a
beautiful walk with my dog!